General manufacturer of Ball Screws & Actuators

Export administration

Export administration

KSS Export administration policy is to conform to Japanese Export Regulation.(KSS Export compliance Program is registered in Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry;No.1970) All of products manufactured in Japan are restricted to export by Japanese Export Regulation, depending on its usage, final destination and so on, which is called Catch-all Control. Especially, military and weapon use are prohibited to export without license issued by Japanese Government. In accordance with the Regulation by Japanese Government, KSS may reject your inquiry for military and weapon use in special cases. Therefore, all of inquiries from foreign country, KSS needs an information about its usage and final destination to export.

Inquiries/Contact us

KSS Co.,Ltd.
1-22-14 Yaguchi, Ota-ku,
Tokyo 146-0093, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3756-3921
Contact us