General manufacturer of Ball Screws & Actuators

Technical Information

Since the establishment of our company in 1960, we have accumulated much production Know-How, and launched various products to the industrial field, such as mainly Miniature Ball Screws, Direct Motor Drive Ball Screws, and Miniature Actuators.
We are going to release our technical information that we have obtained.

Plant tour on Web

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Application examples

KSS introduces equipment, machine or application examples, which our products are installed.
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White Paper

You can download articles such as product features and benefits.

Technical Review

KSS is going to release the detail of Technical information periodically.
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Inquiries/Contact us

KSS Co.,Ltd.
1-22-14 Yaguchi, Ota-ku,
Tokyo 146-0093, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3756-3921
Contact us