General manufacturer of Ball Screws & Actuators

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(note)*=PDF or CAD drawing
*The inquiry about the product in front should click mark of the end of the sentence line.

*1)Basic Dynamic Load Rating (Ca) is applicable for Ball Screws.*2)Thrust load is applicable for Direct Motor Drive Ball Screws/Lead Screws.
*3)Horizontal load capacity is applicable for Actuators.
*4)Basic Static Load Rating is applicable for Ball Screws.*5)Vertical load capacity is applicable for Actuators.
Product type Stock Model Shaft dia
Hor. Capacity

Vert. Capacity
backlash PDF 2D
Precision Ball Screw Standard SG1004-260R310C3 10.0 4.00 230 1800 2600 Preload * * *
Precision Ball Screw Standard SG1004-110R160C5 10.0 4.00 80 3000 5200 Backlash * * *
Precision Ball Screw Standard SG1004-260R310C5 10.0 4.00 230 3000 5200 Backlash * * *
Precision Ball Screw Standard SG1004-110R160C3 10.0 4.00 80 1800 2600 Preload * * *
Precision Ball Screw   NSG1004Z 10.0 4.00 - 3000 5200 Backlash *   *
Precision Ball Screw   NSG1004Z 10.0 4.00 - 1800 2600 Preload *   *
Precision Ball Screw   SWBS1004A 10.0 4.00 - 3000 5200 Preload *    
Precision Ball Screw   FSBS1004A 10.0 4.00 - 3000 5200 Preload *    
Precision Ball Screw   BS1004B 10.0 4.00 - 3900 7200 Backlash *    
Precision Ball Screw   BS1004B 10.0 4.00 - 2500 3600 Preload *    
Precision Ball Screw   BS1004A 10.0 4.00 - 3000 5200 Backlash *   *
Precision Ball Screw   BS1004A 10.0 4.00 - 1800 2600 Preload *   *
Precision Ball Screw   FBS1004B 10.0 4.00 - 3900 7200 Backlash *    
Precision Ball Screw   FBS1004B 10.0 4.00 - 2500 3600 Preload *    
Precision Ball Screw   FBS1004A 10.0 4.00 - 3000 5200 Backlash *   *
Precision Ball Screw   FBS1004A 10.0 4.00 - 1800 2600 Preload *   *
Rolled Ball Screw Standard SR1004-450R450C10 10.0 4.00 370 3000 5200 Backlash * * *
Rolled Ball Screw Standard SR1004-450R450C7 10.0 4.00 370 3000 5200 Backlash * * *
Rolled Ball Screw   MRB1004 10.0 4.00 - 3000 5200 Backlash *   *
Rolled Ball Screw   BSR1004 10.0 4.00 - 3000 5200 Backlash *   *

Inquiries/Contact us

KSS Co.,Ltd.
1-22-14 Yaguchi, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-0093, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3756-3921
Contact us